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H34_ אֶבְיוֹן
behoeftig, arm, noodruftig
Taal: Hebreeuws
Komt 61x voor in 11 Bijbelboeken.
Zie hier voor een verklaring van de gebruikte coderingen.
bn van אָבָה H00014 in de betekenis van "behoefte" (vooral gevoelsmatig); TWOT - 3a
Voorkomend in de LXX als: αδυνατος G00102 "krachteloos, zwaak, onmogelijk, onmachtig, machteloos, zwak"; αθυμεω G00120 "ontmoedigd, moedeloos zijn"; αναγκη G00318 "noodzaak"; ανηρ G00435 "man"; απελπιζω G00560 "wanhopen (niet)"; ασθενης G00772 "zwak, ziekelijk, ziek"; ενδεης G01729 "behoeftig"; πενης G03993 "arm"; πτωχος G04434 "bedelende, aalmoezen vragend"; ταπεινος G05011 "laaggestemd, deemoedig, terneergedrukt door verdriet";
Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon
אֶבְיוֹן adj. in want, needy, poor,—so, alw. abs., Dt 15:4 + 40 t.; אֶבְיֹנְךָ Ex 23:6 Dt 15:11; אֶבְיוֹנִים Am 4:1 + 14 t.; אֶבְיוֹנֵי (אֶבְיֹנֵי) Ex 23:11 Is 29:19; אֶבְיוֹנֶיהָ Ps 132:15—(Hex. only JED; mostly poet., 23 t. Ps) needy, chiefly poor (in material things); as adj. Dt 15:7, 7, 9; 24:14 Ps 109:16 (both ∥ עָנִי); elsewhere subst.; Ps 49:3 (∥ עָשִׁיר); Dt 15:4, 11; subj. to oppression & abuse Am 2:6 5:12 (both ∥ צַדִּיק) 4:1 8:6 (all ∥ דַּל) Is 32:7; Am 8:4 Ez 16:49 18:12 22:29 Ps 37:14 Jb 24:4, 14 Pr 30:14—cf. Ps 109:16 supr.—(all ∥ עָנִי) Je 5:28 (∥ יָתוֹם) 2:34; cared for by good Jb 29:16 30:25 (∥ קְשֵׁה־יוֹם) 31:19 Ps 112:9 Est 9:22; Pr 14:31 (∥ דָּל) 31:20 Je 22:16 (∥ עָנִי); care of them enjoined, negatively Ex 23:6;—cf. Dt 24:14 supr.—positively Ex 23:11 Dt 15:11 Pr 31:9 (both ∥ עָנִי)—cf. Dt 15:7, 7, 9 supr.—Ps 82:4 (∥ דַל); cared for by God Je 20:13 Ps 107:41 132:15 Jb 5:15; I S 2:8 = Ps 113:7 Is 14:30 (all ∥ דַּל) Ps 35:10 140:13 (both ∥ עָנִי), cf. Davidic king Ps 72:12 (∥ עָנִי) = v 4 בְנֵי אֶבְ׳ (∥ id.), v 13, 13 (∥ דַּל); needing help, deliverance from trouble, esp. as delivered by God Ps 9:19 12:6 40:18 = 70:6 74:21 86:1 109:22 Is 29:19 41:17 (all ∥ עָנִי) Is 25:4 (∥ דַּל) Ps 69:34 109:31
Strong Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Hebrew Bible
H34 אֶבְיוֹן ʼebyôwn; from 14, in the sense of want (especially in feeling); destitute — beggar, needy, poor (man).
Synoniemen en afgeleide woorden
Hebreeuws אָבָה H14 "willen, instemmen";
- Peter D.H. Broers, Woordenboek van het Bijbels Hebreeuws, , [2007], ,
- H.W.F. Gesenius, Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, , [1979], ,
- R. Laird Harris, Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, (TWOT), [2003], 3a,
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