H3824_ לֵבָב
innerlijk (het), verstand, wil, hart, ziel, verstand
Taal: Hebreeuws


Denken, Verstand, Hart (lichaamsdeel),


Komt 257x voor in 31 Bijbelboeken.

Zie hier voor een verklaring van de gebruikte coderingen.


Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon

לֵבָב 251 n.m. inner man, mind, will, heart I seldom of things in the midst of the seas II usu. of men 1 the inner man in contrast with the outer 2 the inner man, indef. the soul, comprehending mind, affections and will 3 specific ref. to mind 4 spec. ref. to inclinations, resolutions, determinations of the will 5 spec. ref. to conscience 6 spec. ref. to moral character 7 = the man himself 8 spec. as seat of appetites 9 spec. of seat of the emotions and passions 10 seat of courage

Strong Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Hebrew Bible

H3824 לֵבָב lêbâb; from 3823; used also like 3820 the heart (as the most interior organ); — bethink themselves, breast, comfortably, courage, ((faint), (tender-) heart(-ed), midst, mind, × unawares, understanding.

Synoniemen, homoniemen en afgeleide woorden

Hebreeuws לֵב H3820 "innerlijk (zn), verstamd, wil, hart, begrip"; Hebreeuws לָבַב H3823 "overweldigen, verstandig worden, tot inzicht komen, koeken bakken, brood bakken"; Aramees לְבַב H3825 "hart, mensenhart, hart , dierenhart";


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