How Rome's administration of the Fiscus Judaicus accelerated the parting of the ways between Judaism and Christianity
rereading 1 Peter, Revelation, the Letter to the Hebrews, and the Gospel of John in their Roman and


How Rome's administration of the Fiscus Judaicus accelerated the parting of the ways between Judaism and Christianity : rereading 1 Peter, Revelation, the Letter to the Hebrews, and the Gospel of John in their Roman and Jewish contexts.


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Titel How Rome's administration of the Fiscus Judaicus accelerated the parting of the ways between Judaism and Christianity rereading 1 Peter, Revelation, the Letter to the Hebrews, and the Gospel of John in their Roman and
Auteur Marius Heemstra
Uitgever Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Jaar Verschenen 2009
Taal en
Pagina's pp. 288
Onderwerp Evangelie naar Johannes, Fiscus Judaicus, Hebreeen (brief), Petrus (brieven)


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