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Weblog Jim West
Gepubliceerd op 17-01-2006

Vandaag kwam ik er achter dat de weblog Biblical Studies van Jim West vrij abrupt is beïndigd.
Jim West is ondertussen wel een nieuwe weblog begonnen onder de noemer van First Baptist Church of Petros waar hij dominee is. Onder deze posting schrijft hij waarom hij tot deze keuze is gekomen:

I have a few minutes so I thought I would offer something of a rationale for this particular site. Readers of various weblogs will know that most recently I redacted the Biblical Theology blog. That blog, it seemed to me, had run its course and it was time for a re-evaluation of its purpose, and my own efforts in the use of this important web communication tool.

So today I laid the Biblical Theology weblog to rest. It's time had come. Though enjoyable, and I believe useful to many, I thought it important to refocus. It has been my very strong feeling since my College days that people in the pew are in need of serious, disciplined, concise, and well researched biblical and theological information. Hence, with the new year comes a new direction in my own efforts in the blogosphere. The former blog focused on Biblical Theology for the academic community- and this blog will focus on biblical and theological studies for the Church itself- the community of faith.

I hope that those who valued the previous incarnation will also enjoy visiting here. Many things will remain the same. Many things will change. Stay tuned!

Bij deze laatste regel wil ik me dan ook graag aansluiten en hoop dat zijn nieuwe blog net zo waardevol wordt als de vorige.

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